Sunday, February 16, 2020

CutOff Genes: Episode 88: Bee Gees Love Child

- Advances in artifact testing

- Surprise family members don't want money

- Bee Gees love child

- Outdated genealogy standards

-Story Time with Lesley Mitchell

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Listen to my new podcast about Genetic Genealogy and FUN!!

1 comment:

  1. To Ardhanarishwara, the blissfully turing one who resides in the third eye plexus (Ajna Chakra) of each aspirant and who denotes the union of my Param Gurudeva Bhagwan Shiva and my Param Gurudevi Maa Shakti, are offered these salutions, prior this little student continues any further with the text,
    For more info visit: Makers Makings
